Welcome to the video gallery!
Click the thumbnail pictures to play,
right click them and click "save as" to save the videos.
NSR125 v
2:06 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 6.59MbAn
NSR being outpaced by it larger cousin the VFR400 NC30, not a
particularly interesting race because it's through a village with some
traffic, but it does show how quick the VFR is. |
Country Lane
2:41 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 8.44MbStretching
the bike's legs along a country lane before setting off on the Summer
Evening Ride video below. |
Summer Evening
Ride (Timelapse)
3:00 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 18.5MbThe
same video as below but speeded up with a d & b soundtrack, a whole
hour in just 3 minutes guaranteed to make you a bit dizzy :o) |
Summer Evening
57:05 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 230MbA
stupidly huge video of an hour's blast around the countryside, only recommended
from fast connections, don't even try on a modem... |
M25 J13
Racetrack (Timelapse)
3:43 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 15.9MbThe
same video as the one below but speeded up and with some backing music. |
M25 J13
27:53 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 118MbA
couple of laps racing around the Do-It-Yourself
Racetrack during peak rush hour traffic, plus blasting through
Windsor park. A huge file, but there's some nice footage in there. |
Box Hill
9:08 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 38.9MbA
whole load of wheelies from a Sunday trip to Box Hill, this is a very
large file - but it's worth seeing. |
Box Hill
2:07 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 9.18MbVarious
wheelies at box hill on a Sunday... |
Chelsea Bridge
2:53 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 12.4MbSome
wheelies and assorted tricks at Chelsea Bridge, including a courier bike
with mad skills and a crazy moped rider. |
More of Zim
and Mike
0:41 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 3.1Mb
This is the full video of Zim and Mike on
the wheelie vibe, a near flip and the one where mike falls off are
included. |
Crazy little
mike gets binned
0:49 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 3.2MbCrazy
little mike volunteers to help weigh the back of Zim's bike down for
some wheelie action. The result is rather funny :o) |
A rather crap
0:04 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 0.4MbA
combination of a rather heavy rider and a rather small bike make for a bad
wheelie. |
(allegedly) flyby
0:11 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 1Mb
This could be a 100mph run on an NSR, but
that would be illegal. So it isn't. Right? |
Run from Box
Hill to Capel
12:46 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 54.5MbA
very large video taken by a camera strapped to the bike, a mix of
roads from hilly twisties to some fairly straight dual carriageways. Once
again, this is a very large file. |
Sunday run
through the countryside (timelapse)
3:24 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 14.3Mb
An early timelapse backed to some music,
the bike is a restricted NSR - it gets up to around 75mph on the
straight bits. The route is from Capel (near box hill) to the A23
heading back towards London. |
Night time run
around empty roads (timelapse)
3:13 with sound, DivX format (see bottom of page), 10.5Mb
This is the first timelapse we filmed,
it's taken at night so the quality is not great. It features a run down
a section of deserted dual carriageway (the restricted bike gets up to
75mph) and a nice blast down an empty lane full of bends. |
About DivX
Most of our videos are compressed using the DivX codec, chances are your
computer won't have this installed so
if you get an error trying to play one of our vids download this
- then unzip it somewhere and run Register_Divx.exe
to install the codec. After doing this restart your computer and you should be
able to play the videos fine.